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Sorry, but the administrator has prevented you from sending

Posted: 05:45 pm Mar 24 2009
by recurve
Why am I getting this message when I try to reply to someones PM today?

"Sorry, but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages."

Posted: 07:05 pm Mar 24 2009
by Indawoods
If you are supporting the site, please let me know on what date and I will change your title from "Not Subscribed" to "Subscriber" or "Supporter" of whatever level. With any sweeping change things get messed up and to those who have contributed I appologize.

As with any other site of this type, If subscribed or a supporter, privledges follow. People register knowing the audience, sell things for profit and never contribute a dime... all on my bandwidth. Do you think that is right?

I have given everything away for years and it is time to follow suit. There is still some key differences... like no google sense, banner ads or advertising on the site.

Changes had to be made in order to keep this site up. It will either stand or fall....

Posted: 08:35 pm Mar 24 2009
by recurve
Please don't think I'm only a taker and not a giver, that's is not me :sad:

I had read the FAQ but didn't see an explanation of what subscribing does. The FAQ explains registering adds features like PMs but I didn't see subscribing described.

I have two questions. First, is there a description of the difference between a "subscriber" and a "supporter"? Second, when I follow the "subscribe" button it states "for each year, for 30 installments". What does 30 installments mean?

Thank you for the forum and the help!

Posted: 09:40 pm Mar 24 2009
by Indawoods
I have been working my tail off... (yes... it's is just me here....) trying to make a number of code changes, optimizing the site, writing articles etc... I haven't gotten to it yet but I will have made all the changes by the end of the week including the FAQ section. You are not the only one who has asked the question and to be honest, I thought I would have had it done by now. It's those little gremlins in the code that take all your time up. (I feel like Shatner on the plane!)

I rebuilt the search index tonight so hopefully you guys are getting more hits on your searches.

As far as the subscription link... I know 30 installments is not right... must have been default or something. I'm on it! I will make it 2 installments , this way if you don't want to renew, I will know.

A subscriber is a yearly $19.99 charge to have access to PM's and Avatars and any other functions that come up throughout the year. A donator is someone like skipro3, CC and some others who go above and beond in life and truly support what we are trying to do here... It can be $30 on up.... These are the true cornerstones of the site.

I hope that helps explain it a little but if you have any other questions, please ask!

Posted: 06:37 am Mar 25 2009
by recurve
Paypal sent!

Thanks for answering my questions.

This gives me the opportunity to thank you for the KDXrider forum. Over the past year I have been on the forum I have learned and also been entertained. There is much value in that!

I'd like to make one hopefully constructive suggestion. I'm guessing that because I haven't seen any mention of you being the site owner and sole provider that you are modest person. Maybe I just haven't been on the forum long enough to have seen mention. Regardless, I've been on another forum that also doesn't have advertisers and is run by an individual. On that forum they periodically post a "Free Lunch" post. The idea of the "Free Lunch" post is to make it known that it costs money, Admin time, and much frustration to keep a helpful forum like KDXrider free/affordable to users and that donations are accepted. In other words, if you find the forum helpful please donate something, be it $1 or $100, to help keep it running. Most of the users on that forum are good people and recognize the many benefits of the forum so they donate to keep it running and ad free. I'm not suggesting this in replacement of the subscription but as an addition. Just an idea.

Again, many thanks to you, Indawoods! :supz: :supz: :supz:

Posted: 11:18 pm Apr 01 2009
by skipro3
Ditto!! Many thanks to you, Indawoods!!

Posted: 07:40 am Jun 04 2009
by L8 Apex
Can you post up that paypal address again for the slow amongst us (me). :partyman:

And I've seen $19.99 and "over $30.00" thrown out there, but is there a multi-year dealy? I have a feeling the three KDX's soon to be between my brother and I will have me here a tad. :rolleyes:

I've never owned any other bike but Kaws, and only KDX dirtbikes (started on an 80cc kdx and moved up to the '87 200 which I still ride), so there's no sense in me not pulling my weight. :partyman:

Posted: 08:03 am Jun 04 2009
by Indawoods
There is a subsciption button at the top of the page which is $19.99 a year which should send a renewal notice after a year. Then there is the donation button at the bottom of the page in which iy has a scales as follows.

$1-19 = Supporter
$20-29 = Supporter I
$30-39 = Supporter II
$40-49 = Supporter III
$50 and above = Gold Member

Posted: 09:48 am Jun 04 2009
by L8 Apex
Indawoods wrote:$50 and above = Gold Member
Done. I sent in enough to cover the paypal costs and leave you w/ the amount I actually wanted to donate. :partyman: