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It's Time!!

Posted: 04:05 pm Oct 05 2009
by skipro3
Just got both an e-mail AND a phone mail from carvr and...


The woods are officially open.
Weekend of October 16,17,18,19
(Friday and Monday travel days most likely)

So, start posting your excuses as to why you won't make it. I enjoy a good laugh!!

Posted: 04:05 pm Oct 05 2009
by skipro3
I guess I should add for any uninformed;
This is in the Rouge River, Oregon area....

Posted: 08:22 pm Oct 05 2009
by Mr. Wibbens
Where in the hell is the Rouge River?

I heard of the Rogue River :razz:

Posted: 01:15 am Oct 06 2009
by skipro3
I'm left handed. Sorry about that.

Are going to be there this time or wib, er I mean, wimp out again?....

Posted: 01:34 am Oct 06 2009
by Mr. Wibbens
As long as I survive this weekends ADV festivities on the Smith River :partyman:

Posted: 05:40 am Oct 06 2009
by KDX Butterfly
First excuse.

I live in friggin' Illi-freakin'-nois! Or, hmmm. Are you buyin'? :lol:

Posted: 07:09 am Oct 06 2009
by skipro3
It was you especially, who wanted to come back to Oregon. Here's yet another opportunity for an adventure you can tell the grandkids about or not.
As my father used to tell me, **** or get off the pot!

Posted: 02:40 pm Oct 06 2009
by Mr. Wibbens
skipro3 wrote:
Are going to be there this time or wib, er I mean, wimp out again?....

Talk about WIMP OUT!!

WTF is this??????

Im hoping this is a joke

Cuz if it aint I'm gonna hafta come down there and plant my sized 13 boot up your MONKEY BOY ASS!!!

Posted: 03:35 pm Oct 06 2009
by canyncarvr
What he said..and DITTO.

He's got two-a those boots. The one he don't use for his own purposes, left or right,..he can use for me.

Posted: 05:38 pm Oct 06 2009
by canyncarvr
If Mr. Used-To-Have-A-Bike actually gets here, we'll ride Greyback one day, Taylor Creek the next. High country with rocks, then creekside meandering with lots of water (if we get up Briggs Creek).

Don't miss it!!

Seems there's been some threatening noises made by some Kaliforny riders about coming up this way for a ride. So...what's your excuse THIS time?


Posted: 06:05 pm Oct 06 2009
by KDX Butterfly
skipro3 wrote:Butt-or-Fly,
It was you especially, who wanted to come back to Oregon. Here's yet another opportunity for an adventure you can tell the grandkids about or not.
As my father used to tell me, **** or get off the pot!
what makes you think i even HAVE a pot to **** in, much less, get off of???

Posted: 06:08 pm Oct 06 2009
by canyncarvr
Seeing as it's a case of being an adage, it don't matter what you got for a pot..or either cook in, smoke, or poo in.

'You're gonna have a tough row to hoe!'

..has nothing to do with either rows nor hoes. knew that.

Re: 'Butt-or-Fly' .... :lol:

Posted: 09:21 pm Oct 06 2009
by KDX Butterfly
Actually, Colorado is my death dream ... not Oregon. Pot or no pot. :supz:

Posted: 09:31 pm Oct 06 2009
by Colorado Mike
I won't be there cuz it's all Bush's fault.

oh, and I have to get ready for elk season. and it's too far. and I'm allergic to wookies, yetis, sasquatches and hoary marmots. and the gas for my truck would cost roughly 58 brazilian dollars.

Posted: 09:33 pm Oct 06 2009
by Mr. Wibbens

Posted: 09:37 pm Oct 06 2009
by skipro3
Just so's ya'll know whatcher missin;

We'll be discussin' politics

Maybe a little target shooting!

Hey! I don't look half bad in pink!!

Posted: 09:52 pm Oct 06 2009
by Colorado Mike
Aspens are might pretty right now. tried to upload some pics but can't get that working right now.

Posted: 09:56 pm Oct 06 2009
by Colorado Mike
There's shootin too?!? DOH!!! :mad:

Posted: 09:57 pm Oct 06 2009
by Mr. Wibbens
Aint half as pretty as my roost is gonna be all over Skibutt, next weekend

Posted: 01:35 am Oct 07 2009
by skipro3
After a hard day riding, the party heads back to carvr's backyard!!
