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Posted: 01:05 am May 13 2006
by skipro3
If it ends up with you, me, m0rie and Doug, that would be just fine!!! I lead and Doug sweeps so you two don't sneak back to the truck!!

I'm now off work until after the ride. I'm spending the week at home, trying to clean it up a little before you arrive. Anyone know how to get dog pee out of a mattress? That dog just loves the guest room, but pees on the mattress. I just shut the door, but you won't have that option.
Seriously, I will be working on the yard and getting the boat ready for another season. She fired up today just fine. Power wash, and restock. She'll be ready for fishing!!! Stay another day or two and I'll show you what fishing is all about. I can't remember the last time I went out and couldn't get everyone on board their limits.

Posted: 10:48 am May 15 2006
by canyncarvr
Thanks, but I'll be leaving my cane stick and safety pin t'home.

Wilson got my shock Friday..I'm pretty sure he's closed today (Monday). With any luck, I won't be asking to rent your 220 from 'ya!!

Thanks for the pee- warning.

I guess forewarned is forearmed...but I don't think we'll have room for a mattress on the way down.

Probably will have room for my camp rest and bag, though.

I can sleep in your trailer!!

Posted: 11:18 am May 15 2006
by skipro3
If your shock doesn't come, we'll raid my 220's shock and stick it on your bike. It's got a fresh rebuild on it with a gold valve as well.

Just joking about the mattress........ I flipped it over and the smell is hardly noticable with a rubber mattress cover over it. :lol:

I'm finishing up a remodel of the bathroom too. There's a real toilet in there now. Even a handle on the bucket to make taking it out back to dump easier too. I hope to get running water installed by the time you make it here as well. Hot water will be my next project. I'll tell you; country living is where it's at!!! It's all about the simple things in life, like poop that goes away when you push a handle. I'll get there someday!!

Posted: 11:22 am May 15 2006
by m0rie
Hey don't get carried away on my part. Outhouses don't scare me none!

Posted: 12:02 pm May 15 2006
by skipro3
If by outhouse you mean a bush or tree to squat behind then you are in luck!!! We have LOTS of trees behind the house. But be careful, it's rattlesnake season now and I've seen 3 so far this year.

BTW, my wife is releaved that she won't be here most of the visit. She's worried that you guys encourage my behavour and doesn't wanna witness that!!!

Posted: 01:01 pm May 15 2006
by canyncarvr
Ask her if she still wants me to change the tape in the recorder at the scheduled times.

Posted: 12:14 am May 18 2006
by skipro3
Doug will be riding with us Sunday at Elkins most likely. He won't ride both days; says his wife is still needing him around since she broke her leg a couple weeks ago.

There are LOTS of guys going to be riding, but not with us. I'm keeping our ride low key. I don't wanna have to worry about someone screwing up our ride.

A local rider who lives around the Georgetown/Rock Creek area just posted on Thumpertalk that it's been raining hard for over half an hour out his way. YaHooo!!!!

Dust is going to be low and the weather cool. With the cool weather, we won't need to start so early to beat the heat. I predict an epic weekend of riding and fun!!!

Com'on Friday!!

Posted: 03:17 pm May 18 2006
by canyncarvr

Just cuz it's cool doesn't mean we don't have to start early!!

Rain?'s 'Rain for 37.23456 minutes and it's closed!'? That's good?

Yah, shore you bet'cha. Epic for sure!!

I'm countin' on you to show us the good stuff ( least tell me what it looked like when you got there!)


Posted: 03:44 pm May 18 2006
by skipro3
Well, not TOO early. You are the one who said m0rie would have trouble getting up and on the road by 6am. I've always liked to ride in the early morning light. Cool air and the damp of the new day, as opposed to the stiffle of a hot afternoon with not even the breath of a breeze. But it is cooling off for the weekend, and with my status as a supervisor, we will always be able to ride. (It takes .5 inch in a 24 hour period to close GT)

Good Stuff; well, as good as it gets for GT and Elkins. The really good stuff is still under 10 feet of snow. If I get Terry, president of the High Sierra MC, to join us, and get to meet you guys, I'm hoping he'll offer up an invite to ride their private reserve. The only trail we won't take is the flume. I've shown photos of it on here somewhere. I don't wanna have to carry you over the hard parts you might think are not even passable on foot. Those drop offs are steep!!!

We'll ride as many miles as your sorry bike can handle, that's for sure.

Bring your gas can full. Remember; only 91 octane in California.

Posted: 04:37 pm May 18 2006
by canyncarvr
RE: ' 6a.m...'

But I made that up...said that too!

Don't waste your time spending time worrying about what my sorry bike can handle, buddy.

My sorry bike isn't the problem!!...but, you knew that.

As I recall from some SoJ rides, it's fun being the trail host. You get a lot of break time waiting for other folks.

..smarty pantz :wink:

I'm bringing REAL 93 octane..5% toluene and 2.5% Trick 114. Sorry fuel for my sorry bike!!

Posted: 02:09 am May 19 2006
by Mr. Wibbens
So is this the weekend?

Wish I had normal days off! :neutral: :mad:

If'n I did not hafta work I'd blast down there on the Strom just for a beer :partyman:

Have FUN!

Posted: 05:52 am May 19 2006
by m0rie
Wish you could make it down Wibs!

Posted: 08:21 am May 19 2006
by skipro3
That would top the cake Wib. We'll be here. Come on down any time, I have the KDX just begging to be ridden by the mighty wibby!!! These guys ain't leaving until Monday. Drive down, have a beer, then toss your bike into the back of their truck and snooze it off on the way back home!!!
Heck! We'd go for one final ride on Monday if'in you did come down. Broke bodies, hung-over and all!!

Posted: 09:27 am May 19 2006
by Mr. Wibbens
Work SUCKS! :mad:

See these cheeks----> :butthead:

Had my bosses face about the same color tonite, when I told him how I feel about workin 6 days a week! :wink:

Getting any weather down there?
Rained like a mother coming home tonite! I got soaked in my mesh jacket and pants! LOL

Posted: 12:06 am May 23 2006
by canyncarvr
Ya'll missed a good time!

Mr. skipro(3) is a most excellent host!

A terrific ride....nobody died...nobody even got hurt (much), and nobody's bike broke (more'n a few times).

What a deal!!!

Hats off to ski for his hospitality (that covers a lot of ground), tour guidedness, and hauling 'stuff'.

Posted: 01:37 am May 23 2006
by skipro3
It was truely all my pleasure Brad. You and m0rie are welcome to come visit anytime.
I'm glad to hear you found the riding acceptable.
meaning a few thumbs don't move like they used to. Some toes smell like gasoline. Elbow scabs don't stay put when wearing forearm guards. Ankles get bit by stray branches kicked up by front wheels. Contacts can still dry out in complete downpours. Funky 2 stroke smoke sniffed for hours on end only caused slight mental impairment. Muscles hurt after 2 days of riding. Butts develop diaper rash after 2 hours of riding in rain. Knee braces wore sores if enough TTC isn't applied beforehand.

....(more'n a few times)....
meaning mufflers can be ripped off while riding if you try hard enough. Flywheel weights can keep you from shifting. Worn shifter levers flop in the breeze. Rear brake pedals that have been folded completely over a foot peg results in no rear braking. Seat bolts can vanish. Rear fenders can be ripped from a bike. (But reattached with enough zip ties.) Cluch cables dry out. Tire pumps sometimes don't. Radios can be missing for miles before realizing you no longer can call for help. Bikes can refuse to start in less than 4 kicks. (8 kicks if you're in a position of not able to reach the earth with the other foot.)

Those are the bad and the ugly. The good would take too long to write up in the time I have left before heading off to bed. Good night johnboy,, I mean carvr!!!! Good night m0rie!!! I'll be dreaming about overcooked ribs, undercooked chicken, breakfast at the VFW (or is that the VWF??), Bloody Marys at the Georgetown Saloon (certified haunted), local cops running us off the road at 100mph, waitresses who sneeze in food, girls in tight grey sweaters who lust after young m0rie and Barmaids who think he's 34 years old, amazing riding, amazing friends, amazing memories and amazing they all were somehow crammed into only a couple days. .....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (snore)

Posted: 09:25 am May 23 2006
by toddco
CC i PM d you

Posted: 10:02 am May 23 2006
by Indawoods
Ya'all jumped the gun didn't ya?

Memorial Day weekend is next weekend...... :roll:

Posted: 10:07 am May 23 2006
by m0rie
Thanks again Ski! Your generosity in hosting us was greatly appreciated. Anytime you want to come up this way let me know and your welcome at my place! :supz:

What a ride! From the deep water crossing to the 2' slate ledge hill climbs there was never a disappointing moment on the trail! :prayer:

Posted: 02:12 pm May 26 2006
by skipro3
hey Brad!
How's about some photos?