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Posted: 11:06 am Apr 30 2009
by it175
Have fun, Ride safe and STAY dry. I can't make it. :sad:

Vince knows why. I'm pissed. :evil:

Posted: 01:02 pm Apr 30 2009
by Rick
bummer man.......sorry you cant make it...... :sad:

Posted: 06:18 am May 01 2009
by Rick
Here we go!!!!! Cya in a few days! :supz:

Whoo hoo!

Posted: 06:38 pm May 02 2009
by jr111
Hope you guys are having a blast! Looking forward to an awesome report on this trip, and don't forget to post the pics! Right on!

Posted: 08:54 pm May 02 2009
by it175
In case anyone is PEEKING :grin: , How is it going!! :supz:

I am sooooo Jealous!!!!!

Posted: 08:16 pm May 04 2009
by radonc73
Well, did they ever come back. Enquiring minds want to know.

Posted: 08:42 pm May 04 2009
by Indawoods
I just walked in the door... tired... wet... and tired...

Great time with all the guys there.... I am spoiled now. I now know what it means to be a flatlander..... :oops:

Posted: 09:41 pm May 04 2009
by crf_kdx
The Richmond cohort made it home just a few minutes ago. In spite of all the rain (and we had boat loads of it!), the trails at H&M from the easy to the extreme to the single track were all doable all weekend long. Aside from Jim having a front flat tire this morning, the dozen or so bikes we collectively brought all were up to the terrain and the wet conditions.

As with last year's adventure to H&M, Austin and I had a great time. Enjoyed the company and the trail system. Just give us a yell when the planning starts for another outing.

I've told it too many times . . . so someone else will really have to share the 4:00AM story about Andy!

Posted: 09:46 pm May 04 2009
by KDX Butterfly
Buttfry made it home safe and sound. Can barely see, but will post tomorrow!

Posted: 09:46 pm May 04 2009
by Indawoods
:lol: :supz: :partyman:

Posted: 11:05 pm May 04 2009
by KDX Butterfly
By the way, TWMoody....I stopped by 7-11 on the way out and gave "you know who" rick's cell phone #!


Posted: 08:49 am May 05 2009
KDX Butterfly wrote:By the way, TWMoody....I stopped by 7-11 on the way out and gave "you know who" rick's cell phone #!

That would be too funny if Rick got a phone call from "Mithster" 7-11 :shock:
That was a great trip and was glad to see everyone that could make it.
I left monday about 6pm and got in at about 2:30am, deer free.
This morning the sun is out ! Nice to see that thing again.........

Posted: 08:53 am May 05 2009
by KDX Butterfly
Allz I can say is two things:

1. WOW
2. WOW

For being the inexperienced rider and the only lady on the crew, I think I was very fortunate to have been able to ride with such an amazing group of patient, very patient, great guys. The soft push, the continued support, the "this is where we tell her 'no'," and the unending laughing.... WOW! and WOW! I learned a TON of great techniques and even basic skills. I still haven't mastered how to get my helmet on without bruising my forehead, tho. :lol:

A big thank you to all of you for all of this AND for not acting like, "Oh, there's a chick here. We better not say that..." I haven't laughed so hard for so long in a very long time.

What a BLAST!

:partyman: :supz:

Think I will go to kickboxing tonite! :grin:

Posted: 02:25 pm May 05 2009
by Indawoods
All my thanks goes our to the guys for making this a great riding experience despite the constant rain. Watching Austin ride and following him has made me a better rider. I think we all could learn a thing or two from a fearless 17 year old! And thanks to Kirk for pointing out that I drag my feet and help me prevent an injury. Jim and Tom were great guides and if it wasn't for them... I would still be in the woods... somewhere! :mrgreen:

It was really suprising how much traction was to be had on the rocks and snot compared to Illinois river bottoms. I never knew that a S12 and M12 combo could work so well on rocks. The stabilizer was my confidence on the rocks too... I feel if it wouldn't have been for that, especially on my first unprotected ride that the outcome would have been much different.

Man... it was such a blast standing around talking sh!t with you guys and putting back more than just a few brews and some of the stories had me rolling! I think the eye witness should tell the story on Andy's 4 AM sobriety.... that is just too funny! :partyman:

Posted: 07:30 pm May 05 2009
by KDX Butterfly
Still waiting for the pics that you guys took. Can you help a damsel in distress out here? :lol:

Posted: 08:59 pm May 05 2009
by Jeb
What a great time this trip was, 'would've not thought it possible to be able to ride like we did under the conditions (daily rain). I will definitely be back to Bearwallow . . . rain or shine!! Great to meet Vince and Kirsten and put faces to the names.

On our last ride yesterday we actually saw the sun break through the clouds and had no or little rain while we rode. We made our way down the giant downhill that Vince loved so well and towards THE singletrack at Bearwallow. In my mind it capitulated the trip; lengthy, snotty, perilously rocky, gnarly enough to make all but one stall at least once . . . yet beautiful and lush with a vastness that you just can't capture on a thing they call a picture. The trail ended in a quite long, rocky descent on which Andy's chain locked up :shock:

Great riding, great companionship, can't wait for the next round!

A few pics (I have a neat vid of Austin jumping a ditch to add . . . I'll get it on youtube and link)






A bit of trail maintenance . . .


And a quick snap on the singletrack . . .


Posted: 10:46 pm May 05 2009
by crf_kdx
I wanna go back . . .

Posted: 05:27 am May 06 2009
by KDX Butterfly
crf_kdx wrote:I wanna go back . . .
I didn't want to leave but I had to give the truck back to the husband. Otherwise, I'd proly still be there!!! :grin:

Posted: 08:58 am May 06 2009
I would be game going back to this trail system, although I must say I like
Rock House better when dry. With it raining as much as it did the trails stayed in pretty good shape with only a couple real slick spots. Rock House has a good amount of fill and make it pretty slippery when wet. Also very little ATV erosion of the Bear Wallow Trails. I enjoyed riding with everyone
and was great to meet Vince, Kirsten Jarid and Andy.
I have no pictures-didn't take any bummer but have a good story.

Kirsten, Vince and I in that order were riding through some trails that were
about 48" wide and were coming up to a short knarley up hill with rocks sticking out of the trail all over. Kirsten was just approching the base when two guys on KTM"S come up on my back side yelling at me to get out of there way. They passed Vince then each one took a side on Kirsten on the rock hill and just as they were on the side of her She took em out !!!!!!
It was great, the guy on the left went into the berm and the guy on the right
went down on the rocks. It was very obvious that a beginner was attempting this hill but it was more important that these guys pass her.
I think she may have give em a kick and I just didn't see it, ya know her
being a kick boxer and all.
Any how we get back to camp and the KTM guys are there camping also
and both buys were 60 year old +.
Great people, great riding and I will be in on the next ride also.
Those that couldn't make this ride should try to be at the next one
as we all have a really good time !!!!!!

Sorry for all the bad spelling

Also have to give a ride report on the KX450f........
Lots of power through the trails but even with the clickers set out at around the max was still a hand full through the rocks.
Hard to control and deflecting back and forth from one rock to the next.
It needs some valving to ride in those trails.
I also took the KDX and rode it all but one day.
Think I'm keeping the KDX around !!

Posted: 03:15 pm May 06 2009
by Rick
some pic's!