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can i improve on this?

Posted: 04:59 am Dec 12 2010
by Budget_89KDX
I changed the rear wheel bearrings on my kdx and decided to clean up the rear sprocket upon doing so I foundout its a 46T in the rear and 13T in the front.I. ride a mix of everything trails,wide open,mud,river beds,acess roads you name it.will I benefit from a gear change?if so what gears do you recommend?

Posted: 08:31 am Dec 12 2010
by Julien D
Can't recommend anything, honestly. I run 13/49, but I like the down low torque. You'd change gearing if you feel the current is inadequate for how you ride. If you want more low end, you can go to a larger rear or a 12t front, but you'll sacrifice top end.

Posted: 06:49 pm Dec 12 2010
by Budget_89KDX
Is this current gearing stock?I'm not sure what the previous owner set the bike up for with these sprockets what would you guess his riding intentions were?providing these aren't the stockers.

Can I go to the 49 without having to go with a different chain?also how much topend we talking?

Posted: 06:56 pm Dec 12 2010
by michael
Its about 5mph difference at 8000rpm in top. If that helps.....

Posted: 07:39 pm Dec 12 2010
by Budget_89KDX
OH! Then hell yea I'm changing it!what about the torque noticeable on these little 200s?made a huge difference when I put my vortex gears on my gixxer but that's a suped up 1100 not a 200cc.

Will I need a new chain with 49t?

Posted: 07:58 pm Dec 12 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
13/47 I believe is stock

For our terrain I run 12/48

I believe it tops out around 72mph

Posted: 08:04 pm Dec 12 2010
by michael
When i changed my gears from 49 to 45 it is a different bike. It would power wheelie from 1st->3rd (sitting fairly neutral on the seat) now i have to clutch it up in 3rd and sometimes in 2nd (still neutral on the seat).

Posted: 09:13 pm Dec 12 2010
by David_L6
Mr. Wibbens wrote:13/47 I believe is stock

For our terrain I run 12/48

I believe it tops out around 72mph

We checked the top speed of our CR250s a year or two ago with a GPS.

2002 CR250: 13/48 sprockets - 76.6 mph.

2003 CR250: 13/50 sprockets - 74.3 mph.

I haven't checked the top speed of our KDX200 (yet) but seat of the pants says it's not even close to the speed the CR250s run. As far as I'm concerned that's not a bad thing. I never want / need to go as fast as the CR250s will go anyway.

Posted: 01:55 am Dec 13 2010
by Budget_89KDX
So when I order the 49t sprockets do I need a bigger chain?if so what size do I need?also any issues running an o ring chain on the early 89 in particular kdx's?I was going order new sliders and rollers at the same time.

Posted: 04:10 am Dec 13 2010
by michael
Everytime i ahve bought chains they are way too long and i cut them down... Dunno what other experiences are like.
Running an x-ring atm.

Posted: 08:43 am Dec 13 2010
by Indawoods
A 108 is stock. I had to jump to a 110 for a 50 tooth rear. I THINK a 108 will work for a 49... not exactly sure. But if you buy a new chain, you can buy the 110 if you have a chain breaker and make it 108.

Posted: 12:35 pm Dec 13 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
I'm pretty sure I run 110


E series stock chain is 110 links