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Comparison between KDX 200 and 95 Suzuki RM250?

Posted: 09:51 am Jan 06 2010
by river
A 95 RN250 just came up on Craig's. It's been completely rebuilt throughout with 2 hours on it by the local Yamaha shop, and the price is cheap.

I have never ridden anything like this, but did see it's rated at 51 hp. It's had 2 oz added to the flywheel.

This bike is very tempting, but I just got the KDX. If it's similar to the KDX there's no point getting it. If it just has power in the high RPM range, and you basically ride it flat out and it won't give power across the range when trail riding, I probably wouldn't like it.

Can anybody comment? Any thoughts very much appreciated.

Posted: 10:09 am Jan 06 2010
by Indawoods
Close ration gearbox....

Posted: 11:13 am Jan 06 2010
by river
Indawoods wrote:Close ration gearbox....
Thanks. That answers my question.

EDIT: I've been looking for the KDX ratios, know a web site with them?

Posted: 11:54 am Jan 06 2010
by canyncarvr
Yes. I do.

You can download the spec sheet from the Kaw website.

Here is a screensnap of the H model tranny ratios:


Re: 'If it's similar to the KDX there's no point getting it.'

It's not. Not in power available, power delivery, handling, comfort (in the woods anyway). Guaranteed it's not 'just' high rpm power..but there WILL be a good bit of it there. I've not ridden an RM..but I have ridden the other 250 2Ts. I wouldn't call 'em 'similar' at all.

2oz. 'added' to the flywheel? I don't think FWW are ever that small. How was it 'added' I would wonder. That amount of weight I doubt would amount to much of anything that you would notice. 51HP? That will rip your arms off. :shock:

Posted: 12:30 pm Jan 06 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
A 250 is sorta "an old fart" bike

Just ask Skipr :wink:

Posted: 01:13 pm Jan 06 2010
by Julien D
I've ridden a couple rm250's. Really mean bikes. Nassty top end hit, lots of fun to ride. Very difficult to manage in the woods due to the on/off clutch. There are some mods to alleviate that clutch problem a bit, but the clutch action on them is just not suited to woods riding at all.

Posted: 01:18 pm Jan 06 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
Usually need 2 rimlocks on the rear

I knew a kid that spun his valve stem every time we'd go riding

Finally fixed it by installing an extra rimlock

Posted: 03:34 pm Jan 06 2010
by river
Hm. So should I get it? It's been completely rebuilt from tires to handlebars and everything in between by the yamahar shop, I know them, they work on my Honda street bikes. Has 2 hours on it.
I live in the desert and also have an XR650R which is great on the open roads but is heavy when I come to the single tracks up the rocky mountains. How would the RM250 do on those (I know it would scream on the desert fire roads). Guess that's the 64 dollar question. With the close ratio, doesn't sound promising unless it has low grunt.

Posted: 04:11 pm Jan 06 2010
by canyncarvr
juliend wrote: Really mean bikes. Nassty top end hit, lots of fun to ride. Very difficult to manage in the woods....just not suited to woods riding at all.
..and you ask about '...single tracks up the rocky mountains.'

I don't see how that question follows after the description given unless you're just achin' to buy it from the start.

So, have fun with your 'new' RM!

Jeb (former KDXer) has an RM. It's not as old (if I recall correctly) and therefore likely NOT as 'switchy' as the bike you're looking at. PM him..ask him to chime in.

Posted: 07:35 pm Jan 06 2010
by river
canyncarvr wrote:
juliend wrote: Really mean bikes. Nassty top end hit, lots of fun to ride. Very difficult to manage in the woods....just not suited to woods riding at all.
..and you ask about '...single tracks up the rocky mountains.'

I don't see how that question follows after the description given unless you're just achin' to buy it from the start.

So, have fun with your 'new' RM!

Jeb (former KDXer) has an RM. It's not as old (if I recall correctly) and therefore likely NOT as 'switchy' as the bike you're looking at. PM him..ask him to chime in.
Yeah, I just got a jones for it, despite all the evidence and good advice. 51 HP on a 220 lb bike, just hard to stop thinking about it. But might get annoying on an all day trail ride in the mountains.

Posted: 07:38 pm Jan 06 2010
by canyncarvr
Let us know where to send the flowers.

...not that they'll get sent...but you can let us know anyway. It'll give you something to look foward to seeing when the body cast comes off..

...if your vision is back by then.


Posted: 07:40 pm Jan 06 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
HP is meaningless if you can't put it to good use

Posted: 07:41 pm Jan 06 2010
by river
canyncarvr wrote:Yes. I do.

You can download the spec sheet from the Kaw website.

Here is a screensnap of the H model tranny ratios:


First.........1.800 (27/15)........1.929 (27/14)
Second... 1.470 (25/17)........1.533 (23/15)
Third........1.210 (23/19)........1.278 (23/18)
Fourth......1.000 (21/21)........1.091 (24/22)
Fifth......... 0.869 (20/23)........0.952 (20/21)

Pretty different.

Posted: 09:38 pm Jan 06 2010
by NewMexico505
Where do you live River? wondering what type of riding you have available to ya...

Posted: 02:04 am Jan 07 2010
by river
NewMexico505 wrote:Where do you live River? wondering what type of riding you have available to ya...
I'm in Las Cruces. We have desert and mountains. Not as mountanous as up there though. I just got back into off road after a 30 year hiatus. I plan to get a trailer and haul the bike all over the west on riding/camping trips. I went to 7-10th grades in albuquerque, used to ride the desert behind kirkland. Los alamos looks fun too. I go to alb and la quite a bit for work.

Posted: 07:00 am Jan 07 2010
by Julien D
I passed up an incredible deal on an 00 RM250 a while back. Bike was in great shape and ran really well. Couple laps around the parking lot and a jaunt up the street was enough to tell me I'd be eating dirt on the single track repeatedly.

For desert or mx it'd be sweet.

Posted: 11:33 am Jan 07 2010
by NewMexico505
river wrote:>|<>QBB<
NewMexico505 wrote:Where do you live River? wondering what type of riding you have available to ya...
I'm in Las Cruces. We have desert and mountains. Not as mountanous as up there though. I just got back into off road after a 30 year hiatus. I plan to get a trailer and haul the bike all over the west on riding/camping trips. I went to 7-10th grades in albuquerque, used to ride the desert behind kirkland. Los alamos looks fun too. I go to alb and la quite a bit for work.
River - I think the RM is a better bike for southern NM in the desert. I too am back again - I rode dirt bikes for about 15 years, then off for 23 years due to work, now back again. There is some great riding down there in LC.

Posted: 11:45 pm Jan 07 2010
by river
Thanks guys. Somebody beat me to it anyway. Probably for the best. I really don't need more than my XR650R for the desert. The point of the Suzuki would be the weight, 220 lbs., same reason I got the KDX, I had a hard time with the XRR on some pretty tricky soccer-ball-rock-strewn trails up a mountian. The slowest it would go was still too fast to pick a line and the weight and "go straight" geometry also conspired to make picking my path through the rocks difficult. I ended up just hanging on and trusting the incredible forks to cadillac every rock, which it did but with some trepidation on my part.

I have a hunch after all the replies that the KDX would do that better than the RM. For the wide open, I love the pig. Would like to have tried the Suzuki, maybe some other time.

Man, I sure see lots of NM riders. Do you hang out on the New Mexico dirt rider forum?