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How well does this work

Posted: 08:31 am Mar 20 2009
by 3dhunt
I have a son that is to big for a KDX and was wondering if anyone trailrides a KX 250, if so what years are best suited for trails and what mods are required to make them useable. How does the rake on the forks differ vrs. the KDX's. thanks 3d

Posted: 11:35 am Mar 20 2009
by skipro3
Wow! I gotta see a photo of this kid of yours. Do a little searching here on this site looking for Wibby. He's our local Wookie rider. Big as Chewbaca and twice as mean, he rides an old series KDX. That's a pre-1995.

Also, I'm sure Jeff Fredette would also find it interesting that someone thinks a KDX is too small for a trail rider. Seeing as he's held several national and international positions on a KDX.

But, to answer the question, yes, I for one, ride a KX250 for trail riding. Best years were the 1999-2002 L series with the 2002 being the best for trail riding. That year the bike was ported for more low end.

Again, do some search and you will find lots on the topic. Check my gallery for photos of a woods ready KX250. Read the ride reports I posted on here riding with Carvr and Wibby in Oregon.

Posted: 03:42 pm Mar 20 2009
by Julien D
Agreed. I find it hard to believe someone is too big for a KDX200/220. My buddy is 260lbs and it pulls him around just fine.

Posted: 04:46 pm Mar 20 2009
by fuzzy
Might need tall seat and/or bars.

Posted: 07:33 pm Mar 20 2009
by sparkingdogg
don't know your location, but i have a 2000 kx250 up for sale right now. nice clean bike too. pm me if interested.