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T-day wishes...

Posted: 03:46 pm Nov 22 2007
by Wazowski
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

I consider you all family...good family...all of you down under too, good on ya mates! :supz:

If I could have you all over to my place for Thanksgiving...

...I'd probably pass...

Nothing personal...just being pragmatic.

It would be a hell of a party though huh?

Once wishes to all!


Posted: 11:44 pm Nov 22 2007
by strider80
Happy T-day from me as well. I ate too much, but that is what T-day is for! Anyone getting out for a ride this weekend?

Posted: 01:45 am Nov 23 2007
by skipro3

Posted: 10:23 am Nov 23 2007
by krazyinski
It was a fine day for a ride, cloudy about 50 degrees, I took the family out for a ride. My 6 year old gets three times faster every time we ride.

IT rained just enough to dampen the soil and a hand full of guys were leaving just as we arrived making for perfect tacky loam.

New tires on the KDX and great conditions, better than turkey and Pie.

gotta love the feeling of laying the bike into a chopped out corner standing with all your weight on the outside peg front foot up by the fender and just nailing it in full control!! ye ha!!

only bad thing I noticed was my W.E.R damper leaking, guess I will have to rebuild or replace.

so Happy Turkey day indeed :grin:

Posted: 11:36 am Nov 23 2007
by strider80
Rebuild the WER, it is easy, I bought a rebuild kit from Jeff Fredette for $25 I think.