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Stock Headlight Aim???

Posted: 11:34 pm Feb 13 2014
by morganid
Even though it's still winter in Idaho, I ride when I can. For now that means on the streets back and forth to college classes. But it gets dark early. I have discovered that my headlight is GREAT for checking the trees for monkeys and not so great at checking the road for ice patches. CAN THE STOCK HEADLIGHT OF A 2003 KDX 220 BE AIMED AT THE GROUND INSTEAD OF THE TREES? Seeing the road would be nice.


PS. Also why is there not a 220a forum in the Model Specific Forum section?

Re: Stock Headlight Aim???

Posted: 03:04 pm Feb 14 2014
by TheJackRabbit
you'll want to screw OUT the philips head under the headlight lens to lower the beam