East Enola Beach harescramble 8/20.... pics + vids

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East Enola Beach harescramble 8/20.... pics + vids

Post by thirdgenlxi »

Well race #6 is done..... did the East Enola Beach harescramble with Mideast on sunday. Was my first time there and only the 2nd race they've had there, and they changed the track around from the first time. I had a good time and enjoyed the track.... it was definitely a rough technical track, but it was still fun. I was having an off day or something though cuz I felt like I just could not ride worth a crap. Was also having a really hard time visually following the trail in many spots.... bright sunny day and the shadows screw me up, plus most of the terrain is all the same color in many areas, so it was hard to see. Going by the arrows but still made it a bit difficult (for me)

Anyways...... start time... it was packed! First Mideast race back after summer break. I ran Sportsman C and we started with 38 in our class


Aaaanndd 5 minutes from the start..... grreeeeaaatt, lol. I got plowed by another bike behind me, though I think somebody else hit him and pushed him into me. This was on a seriously steep downhill (doesn't look it in the vid.... it was)


Video..... that's about how my day went :lol: :lol: So there was this steep downhill not far from the start..... they even mentioned it before we even started. Yet still everybody piles up. I waited at the top for it to clear out a little bit but still everybody was crawling down it. Going just fine then get about half way down..... BAM!! Dude slams into me from the rear and we both go down. But I'm pretty sure the dude that buzzed by me on the right here just before I went down, hit the dude on the blue Yamaha that hit me and pushed him into me. That same guy that buzzed me on the right, when he got to the bottom of the hill he hit my buddy EJ and took both of them out as well. People need to chiiiillllll, lol. Then a little further down I hit a damn tree and smashed my headlight housing. Had all the drops out of my system by that point, lol. Towards the end of the first lap just before you go into scoring, there was a little up and down hill climb section that was pretty fun. Poor KDX was getting all kinds of beat up out there.... uggh. Pretty sure there was at least 4 or 5 of us KDX's out there though :supz:


Then just a short clip here.... I'm not even gonna post a full lap cuz I wasn't riding so bad, lol.... I just couldn't get in a rythm. Off day for me I guess. But this first part here is that same steep downhill as the vid above where the dude hit me. With nobody else on it you can go right on down it no prob.... it really wasn't a hard spot as long as you just kept moving and didn't freak out


If it looks like I'm going slow as hell..... well I probably was, lol


I reeeallllllyyy need to work on standing up more


Ended up finishing 24th out of 32, with 6 DNF's. And 151 overall out of 182. Again, not great by any stretch of the imagination. But I am still fairly new to this kinda stuff so def still learning and (hopefully) improving. My lap times were terrible, BUT each consecutive lap I did get a full 2 minutes faster each time, so I guess some progress was being made, right? lol



After the race, I left but wasn't ready to call it a day yet. So since I was already pretty close I just headed over to our usual riding spot at Brown Mtn and got another little ride in until dark, haha



That's all for this one..... off to Stranges Ranch next weekend. Only supposed to be 82 degrees.... should be awesome!
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Re: East Enola Beach harescramble 8/20.... pics + vids

Post by jjavaman »

Thanks for the pics/videos! I always like watching vids with the kdx in it!!
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East Enola Beach harescramble 8/20.... pics + vids

Post by SS109 »

Keep at it! However, if you finished a race and still had energy to go trail riding, you didn't race hard enough! :lol: Good to hear there were a few KDX's out there. It's funny but I'm starting to see them more and more on the trails and at the races.
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East Enola Beach harescramble 8/20.... pics + vids

Post by thirdgenlxi »

SS109 wrote:Keep at it! However, if you finished a race and still had energy to go trail riding, you didn't race hard enough! :lol: Good to hear there were a few KDX's out there. It's funny but I'm starting to see them more and more on the trails and at the races.
You very well may be right there! :lol: :lol: I definitely was going slower than usual.... I just couldn't seem to get my stuff together, for whatever reason. At the end of the race I actually felt fine.... I'm usually pretty wiped. The last one when I finished and got back to my trailer.... it was pretty tight parking so we were all kind of on top of each other as far as parking went. There was a little group of old ladies.... they had come to watch their grandson race who was parked next to me, so they were standing right there almost next to me. I park and was trying to get off my bike, and my legs just didn't want to work, lol..... I was yelling out "****...****...****.... can't walk!!" as I was hobbling around trying not to fall over. I was beat! The heat and humidity completely drained me that day though (92 deg with 96% humidity..... and bright and sunny too). But yea I didn't feel bad at all after this one. Trail ride was just a nice easy relaxing ride though.... nothing crazy

And yea I too love seeing other KDX's at the races.... and just riding in general. Kinda says something about the bike when you still see them riding around and racing... for a bike that they haven't made in 11 years. Kinda funny..... as I was sitting at the starting line at this race (actually right after I took the very first pic above), an older guy who was just there spectating, came up to me and started talking about the KDX and what great bikes they are, and how he liked always seeing them out there too. Said he has had a couple and regretted getting rid of them (every older guy that talks to me about the KDX's they used to have, say they regret getting rid of them). We talked for a few minutes and before he left he said "I'll be watching and rooting for you.... I love the KDX!" hahaha..... made my day, lol :grin:

Here were a few of the others..... the #204 in the front is my buddy Mike. Don't know him real well but we met at that last Pea Ridge race (the mudder). We saw him pull in and doakley and I both waved at him and pointed to the bike, lol. Found him on FB after and got talking to him.... he's a huge KDX fan too (his is a 220). He said he let his brother ride his KDX and he loved it too, so he went out and bought one as well. He's the #777 right behind him there


He started a few rows ahead of me (Vet C) and I was watching at the start.... he was gettin' it!


Then looking through pictures I came across this guy too..... not sure who he is though. But that makes at least 4 of us out there in the morning race. Possibly more, but that's all I found from the pics

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