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Posted: 05:41 pm Nov 08 2006
by csmutty
Just wondering if anyone has had their KDX ported. I am looking into getting my 200 ported by Moto814 and just wanted to know how much of a difference porting the bike made.

Posted: 07:49 pm Nov 08 2006
by canyncarvr
You want the full blown version?

..never mind. I don't have the days it would take.

1. Porting works.

Good, correct, well done, engineered porting done by a qualified, knowledgeable machinist that is familiar with the particular application involved.

2. Bad porting stinks and you will be sorry.

#1 can be found, but exceedingly seldom.

#2 can be found all over the place, everybody does it, and what 'they' do is always the best and greatest and if you don't do it THEIR way, you're an idiot.

How's that?

Sorry to have to ask, but who's Moto814?

Did he (she, they, them) tell you your cylinder needs to be replated after it's ported? He did tell you that, right? You ARE going to do that, right?

Good luck. this an ad for Moto814? :wink:

BTW, my KDX has been ported.

Oh, to answer your much difference.

It can make a huge difference. It can turn your bike into a non-responsive, drooling, overheating, detonating POS. In which case you will be thankful to find a used UNported cylinder to put back on..and it will ONLY cost you $400!

What a deal!

DISCLAIMER No warranty expressed or implied. Poster has his own twisted point of view that may well be worth absolutely nothing, but it's happened to him so he figures everybody ought to have as much fun! CONSIDER THE SOURCE!!

Posted: 09:19 pm Nov 08 2006
by Colorado Mike
I'm too lazy to look to see if you have a bike profile. So, If you haven't done the RB carb and head mods, pipe, DF3 reeds and all that, you would be exceedingly silly to go directly to porting.

After following CC's porting, ovalized cylinder, wall-texture plating saga, I am of the opinion that if you need your KDX ported, you would be smart to first look up the part number of a YZ/KX 250 and order one. (I personally think the YZ is the way to go) :wink:

Posted: 10:44 am Nov 09 2006
by krazyinski
To each his own, mines a ported and a plated, runs like a scalded ape. no drooling or over heating. It does help if air is moving through the radiators.

Posted: 11:08 am Nov 09 2006
by canyncarvr
Dang! I knew that putting those 22mil decals over my rad fins was a bad idea!!

But...they do have little holes in 'em!

Saying, 'To each his own' completely misses the point, doesn't it.

Did I say, 'Porting sucks. Never do it. IF you do it, you're stupid..and whoever thinks KDX is a viable porting subject is a complete maroon.'

That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

I said that folks that say they know how to port something abound, but few have the slightest clue what they are doing, and a poor port job will result in performance degradation.

That statement is an undeniable fact of life.

I don't know Moto82714-hut. Do you? He may be an upstanding machinist/cylinder modifier. He may not be. Heck..she may not be!

A response of 'To each his own' to a simple fact accomplishes...what?

Fact: The more oil you run in your fuel (jet corrected) the more power your bike will make.

Response: To each his own! I run 55.456:1 and I've never had a problem!!


What was learned from that?

Thanks for the rad tip, though! :shock:

CM makes a good point. Porting is toward the end of the 'things to do' list. A porting job (even a good one) doesn't make any sense if you are running the OEM exhaust. And if you haven't learned to jet your bike to tune it, why bother modifying the cylinder? Why spend $500 to make a Showa shock fit when the term 'race sag' is completely foreign to you? Why spend another $500 to have Wilkey revalve/rebuild your forks if you weigh in at 240# and are using the OEM fork springs?

This shouldn't need to be said..should be plainly understood. Porting can be productive, and anyone who's done it who is happy with it, great!

Happy Trails to 'ya!!

Posted: 01:29 pm Nov 09 2006
by bradf
Race sag? Race Sag? racesag? race saaaaag! It has sumptin do with boobies after a marathon?

Posted: 02:07 pm Nov 09 2006
by canyncarvr
Shessh. Another missed point.

Maybe two points.

Some other guy has made a reference about how that's s'posed to go:

'..way up firm and high.' he said..... But that I think was only at night.

BTW...the showa comment was only made because it costs considerable $$. It wasn't any sort of pointy comment toward the one person that USES a Showa...AND that is more likely to change his race sag by a couple mm just because the humidity changed from 89-92% because he knows the setup matters.

Posted: 04:18 pm Nov 09 2006
by krazyinski
ah well ! To each his own then.

Posted: 04:26 pm Nov 09 2006
by Indawoods
krazyinski - You wouldn't happen to have any pics of your porting job would ya? I would be willing to bet it is a mild porting.

I just think some of the guys who do porting jobs just get carried away... like barbers do. A little is good so allot must be better.

When I tear mine down this winter I intend to do a little porting myself. A little... but heck I got a spare jug too! :mrgreen:

Posted: 04:54 pm Nov 09 2006
by canyncarvr
Re: To each his own...

OK, funny guy!! :lol:

whatever...... :wink:

Posted: 06:33 pm Nov 09 2006
by Mr. Wibbens
krazyinski wrote:To each his own, mines a ported and a plated, runs like a scalded ape. no drooling or over heating. It does help if air is moving through the radiators.
Running like a scalded ape, don't do you much good unless all you do is run roads :wink:

Posted: 09:23 pm Nov 09 2006
by krazyinski
well as far as the porting goes the entire engine was done by Fredettes shop so I have never seen the engine apart. as far as running like a scalded ape it pulls 3rd from Idle to full throttle smooth with no real hard hit. runs just dandy with the 250 4&2 strokes. but power is over rated in the woods. control is where its at, now when the going gets tight I can stretch the big boys, 5'5" at 175 lb full gear the KDX and I can fly through the tight twisty stuff. Its just the fast open trails that I just dont like going that fast on. Buuut

Posted: 12:25 am Nov 10 2006
by motorider200
Indawoods wrote: You wouldn't happen to have any pics of your porting job would ya? :mrgreen:

I have some pics of a eg 225ed mo better everywhere ported cylinder in my gallery; however, that cylinder was a detonating mess and you will probably also notice the pics from when the cylinder failed and tore some stuff up. Long story short I sent the cylinder back to eg and got a "new" 225 cylinder back with stock porting and the bike ran much better than it ever did with the ported cylinder and I didn't have to run race gas anymore!

Posted: 12:58 pm Nov 10 2006
by canyncarvr
Re: The above post.

Gee...I think I read that before somewhere! Detonating mess...un-ported ran much better....

Imagine that! And from EG, even!

I was 'informed' that there was nothing in my porting that would: 1. Cause detonation, or 2. NOT allow pump gas use. Both of those bits of informing were incorrect.

Yep. To each his own, indeed.

Too many people think they got something they don't...because they were told they have it. 'Porting is good stuff. I have ported stuff. I have good stuff.'

I have read complaint from a considerable number of riders with the 225 job that found race gas to be required when they specifically said they did NOT want to mess with it. My porting request was the same, 'Pump Fuel Only!!'

You have to wonder how it is that two of the greatest, best known and most highly respected motorcycle modifiers have that problem.

I don't..wonder, that is. I realize it's because there is a heck-of-a lot to know about porting. 'Grind on stuff' doesn't cut it, and most that profess to know what they are doing in fact do not.

Kind of a BTW..I asked for Ron's help with my detonating mess. He said he'd see what he could do. His work on my KDX head did indeed reduce the detonation problem I had with the ported cylinder while increasing compression at the same time!!! His headwork on my OEM (unported, electrofused) cylinder? No detonation, ping, knock or goober at all nowhere in the throttle range regardless of load...even when jetted too lean. I specifically checked that.

Hhhmmmm..... Two internationally known, respected hot-rodders that evidently (the proof of the pudding being in the eating) don't get it. One guy in the outskirts of soggy Portland OR that exactly gets it!

Isn't that something!! :hmm:

Seems to me that the reputations need to be swapped.


Uh...I looked through seven pages of the gallery, saw nothing owned by motorider. This is a given: I can't find anything I'm looking for..period. I only find what I'm NOT looking for!! Would you be so kind as to give directions to those EG ported pics?


Posted: 01:09 pm Nov 10 2006
by krazyinski
just WHAT are trying to say?

Posted: 01:25 pm Nov 10 2006
by canyncarvr
To each his own.

BTW...your porting may well be just fine, work well and be perfectly enjoyable to ride. I am not at all discounting anything you have said EXCEPT what could be taken to mean, 'Porting is good.'

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It depends, and I don't mean diapers.

Posted: 03:26 pm Nov 10 2006
by krazyinski
basically its not something for just anyone to do, so luck or experience is what I have with what MR Fredette did to mine. from what I have picked up in this forum is for the average joe wanting to hop up the KDX the RB mods are the way to go.

Posted: 03:29 pm Nov 10 2006
by motorider200
canyncarvr wrote:Re:
Would you be so kind as to give directions to those EG ported pics?

Here is a link to my gallery CLICKY

Sorry I wasn't as through as I should have been so your limited to one photo :roll:

Posted: 04:23 pm Nov 10 2006
by canyncarvr
Recall what the bottom of the xfer ports looked like? Somewhat similar?

Do you know if the 225 exhaust port was raised?

Thanks for the directions!

Have you happened to compare your pic to mine of the same view? You will need to download mine, use a view you can blow it up with (AcdSEE maybe) 'cuz the one in the gallery was downsized to save space.

Anyway...considerably different, huh? Well, some of it is the finish difference. It doesn't look like yours was stripped after it was ported, 'cuz the surfaces are still shiny!


Posted: 05:38 pm Nov 10 2006
by motorider200
From What I can remember the bottom ports looked alot like the ones of your frp'ed cylinder, but it's been a while. As far as the exhaust port goes i really don't know. I did add a pic of the exhaust and intake ports though... Maybe you can figure that out! The two do look a bit different!