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Shim Conversion

Posted: 04:33 pm Jul 26 2005
by Indawoods
Shim Calculator


(X)(m1)=n, (n)/(m2)=s

Formula Key:
X = Number of shims of the size you want to replace.
M1= Factor of the shim you want to replace.
M2=Factor of the shim you want to replace it with.
S= The number of shims you need to use.

Lists of Shim Thickness and Factors (M)
Thickness Factor
.1mm = 1
.15mm = 3.4
.2mm = 8
.25mm = 15.6
.3mm = 27

Working Example:
We have (7) .15mm’s
We would like to replace with .2mm’s.

(23.8)/(8)=3 shims

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